Source code for pyro.poutine.handlers

Poutine is a library of composable effect handlers for recording and modifying the
behavior of Pyro programs. These lower-level ingredients simplify the implementation
of new inference algorithms and behavior.

Handlers can be used as higher-order functions, decorators, or context managers
to modify the behavior of functions or blocks of code:

For example, consider the following Pyro program:

    >>> def model(x):
    ...     s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5))
    ...     z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s))
    ...     return z ** 2

We can mark sample sites as observed using ``condition``,
which returns a callable with the same input and output signatures as ``model``:

    >>> conditioned_model = poutine.condition(model, data={"z": 1.0})

We can also use handlers as decorators:

    >>> @pyro.condition(data={"z": 1.0})
    ... def model(x):
    ...     s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5))
    ...     z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s))
    ...     return z ** 2

Or as context managers:

    >>> with pyro.condition(data={"z": 1.0}):
    ...     s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5))
    ...     z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(0., s))
    ...     y = z ** 2

Handlers compose freely:

    >>> conditioned_model = poutine.condition(model, data={"z": 1.0})
    >>> traced_model = poutine.trace(conditioned_model)

Many inference algorithms or algorithmic components can be implemented
in just a few lines of code::

    guide_tr = poutine.trace(guide).get_trace(...)
    model_tr = poutine.trace(poutine.replay(conditioned_model, trace=guide_tr)).get_trace(...)
    monte_carlo_elbo = model_tr.log_prob_sum() - guide_tr.log_prob_sum()

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import functools

from six.moves import xrange

from pyro.poutine import util

from .block_messenger import BlockMessenger
from .broadcast_messenger import BroadcastMessenger
from .condition_messenger import ConditionMessenger
from .enumerate_messenger import EnumerateMessenger
from .escape_messenger import EscapeMessenger
from .infer_config_messenger import InferConfigMessenger
from .lift_messenger import LiftMessenger
from .markov_messenger import MarkovMessenger
from .mask_messenger import MaskMessenger
from .plate_messenger import PlateMessenger  # noqa F403
from .replay_messenger import ReplayMessenger
from .runtime import NonlocalExit
from .scale_messenger import ScaleMessenger
from .trace_messenger import TraceMessenger
from .uncondition_messenger import UnconditionMessenger

# Begin primitive operations

[docs]def trace(fn=None, graph_type=None, param_only=None): """ Return a handler that records the inputs and outputs of primitive calls and their dependencies. Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s)) ... return z ** 2 We can record its execution using ``trace`` and use the resulting data structure to compute the log-joint probability of all of the sample sites in the execution or extract all parameters. >>> trace = trace(model).get_trace(0.0) >>> logp = trace.log_prob_sum() >>> params = [trace.nodes[name]["value"].unconstrained() for name in trace.param_nodes] :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param graph_type: string that specifies the kind of graph to construct :param param_only: if true, only records params and not samples :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.trace_messenger.TraceMessenger` """ msngr = TraceMessenger(graph_type=graph_type, param_only=param_only) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def replay(fn=None, trace=None, params=None): """ Given a callable that contains Pyro primitive calls, return a callable that runs the original, reusing the values at sites in trace at those sites in the new trace Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s)) ... return z ** 2 ``replay`` makes ``sample`` statements behave as if they had sampled the values at the corresponding sites in the trace: >>> old_trace = trace(model).get_trace(1.0) >>> replayed_model = replay(model, trace=old_trace) >>> bool(replayed_model(0.0) == old_trace.nodes["_RETURN"]["value"]) True :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param trace: a :class:`~pyro.poutine.Trace` data structure to replay against :param params: dict of names of param sites and constrained values in fn to replay against :returns: a stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.replay_messenger.ReplayMessenger` """ msngr = ReplayMessenger(trace=trace, params=params) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def lift(fn=None, prior=None): """ Given a stochastic function with param calls and a prior distribution, create a stochastic function where all param calls are replaced by sampling from prior. Prior should be a callable or a dict of names to callables. Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s)) ... return z ** 2 >>> lifted_model = lift(model, prior={"s": dist.Exponential(0.3)}) ``lift`` makes ``param`` statements behave like ``sample`` statements using the distributions in ``prior``. In this example, site `s` will now behave as if it was replaced with ``s = pyro.sample("s", dist.Exponential(0.3))``: >>> tr = trace(lifted_model).get_trace(0.0) >>> tr.nodes["s"]["type"] == "sample" True >>> tr2 = trace(lifted_model).get_trace(0.0) >>> bool((tr2.nodes["s"]["value"] == tr.nodes["s"]["value"]).all()) False :param fn: function whose parameters will be lifted to random values :param prior: prior function in the form of a Distribution or a dict of stochastic fns :returns: ``fn`` decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.lift_messenger.LiftMessenger` """ msngr = LiftMessenger(prior=prior) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def block(fn=None, hide_fn=None, expose_fn=None, hide=None, expose=None, hide_types=None, expose_types=None): """ This handler selectively hides Pyro primitive sites from the outside world. Default behavior: block everything. A site is hidden if at least one of the following holds: 0. ``hide_fn(msg) is True`` or ``(not expose_fn(msg)) is True`` 1. ``msg["name"] in hide`` 2. ``msg["type"] in hide_types`` 3. ``msg["name"] not in expose and msg["type"] not in expose_types`` 4. ``hide``, ``hide_types``, and ``expose_types`` are all ``None`` For example, suppose the stochastic function fn has two sample sites "a" and "b". Then any effect outside of ``BlockMessenger(fn, hide=["a"])`` will not be applied to site "a" and will only see site "b": >>> def fn(): ... a = pyro.sample("a", dist.Normal(0., 1.)) ... return pyro.sample("b", dist.Normal(a, 1.)) >>> fn_inner = trace(fn) >>> fn_outer = trace(block(fn_inner, hide=["a"])) >>> trace_inner = fn_inner.get_trace() >>> trace_outer = fn_outer.get_trace() >>> "a" in trace_inner True >>> "a" in trace_outer False >>> "b" in trace_inner True >>> "b" in trace_outer True :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param: hide_fn: function that takes a site and returns True to hide the site or False/None to expose it. If specified, all other parameters are ignored. Only specify one of hide_fn or expose_fn, not both. :param: expose_fn: function that takes a site and returns True to expose the site or False/None to hide it. If specified, all other parameters are ignored. Only specify one of hide_fn or expose_fn, not both. :param hide: list of site names to hide :param expose: list of site names to be exposed while all others hidden :param hide_types: list of site types to be hidden :param expose_types: list of site types to be exposed while all others hidden :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.block_messenger.BlockMessenger` """ msngr = BlockMessenger(hide_fn=hide_fn, expose_fn=expose_fn, hide=hide, expose=expose, hide_types=hide_types, expose_types=expose_types) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def broadcast(fn=None): """ Automatically broadcasts the batch shape of the stochastic function at a sample site when inside a single or nested plate context. The existing `batch_shape` must be broadcastable with the size of the :class:`~pyro.plate` contexts installed in the `cond_indep_stack`. Notice how `model_automatic_broadcast` below automates expanding of distribution batch shapes. This makes it easy to modularize a Pyro model as the sub-components are agnostic of the wrapping :class:`~pyro.plate` contexts. >>> def model_broadcast_by_hand(): ... with IndepMessenger("batch", 100, dim=-2): ... with IndepMessenger("components", 3, dim=-1): ... sample = pyro.sample("sample", dist.Bernoulli(torch.ones(3) * 0.5) ... .expand_by(100)) ... assert sample.shape == torch.Size((100, 3)) ... return sample >>> @poutine.broadcast ... def model_automatic_broadcast(): ... with IndepMessenger("batch", 100, dim=-2): ... with IndepMessenger("components", 3, dim=-1): ... sample = pyro.sample("sample", dist.Bernoulli(torch.tensor(0.5))) ... assert sample.shape == torch.Size((100, 3)) ... return sample """ msngr = BroadcastMessenger() return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def escape(fn=None, escape_fn=None): """ Given a callable that contains Pyro primitive calls, evaluate escape_fn on each site, and if the result is True, raise a :class:`~pyro.poutine.runtime.NonlocalExit` exception that stops execution and returns the offending site. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param escape_fn: function that takes a partial trace and a site, and returns a boolean value to decide whether to exit at that site :returns: stochastic function decorated with :class:`~pyro.poutine.escape_messenger.EscapeMessenger` """ msngr = EscapeMessenger(escape_fn) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def condition(fn=None, data=None): """ Given a stochastic function with some sample statements and a dictionary of observations at names, change the sample statements at those names into observes with those values. Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s)) ... return z ** 2 To observe a value for site `z`, we can write >>> conditioned_model = condition(model, data={"z": torch.tensor(1.)}) This is equivalent to adding `obs=value` as a keyword argument to `pyro.sample("z", ...)` in `model`. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param data: a dict or a :class:`~pyro.poutine.Trace` :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.condition_messenger.ConditionMessenger` """ msngr = ConditionMessenger(data=data) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
def uncondition(fn=None): """ Given a stochastic funtion with sample statements, conditioned on observed values at some sample statements, removes the conditioning so that all nodes are sampled from. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :returns: a stochastic function decorated with a :class: `~pyro.poutine.uncondition_messenger.UnconditionMessenger` """ msngr = UnconditionMessenger() return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def infer_config(fn=None, config_fn=None): """ Given a callable that contains Pyro primitive calls and a callable taking a trace site and returning a dictionary, updates the value of the infer kwarg at a sample site to config_fn(site). :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param config_fn: a callable taking a site and returning an infer dict :returns: stochastic function decorated with :class:`~pyro.poutine.infer_config_messenger.InferConfigMessenger` """ msngr = InferConfigMessenger(config_fn) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def scale(fn=None, scale=None): """ Given a stochastic function with some sample statements and a positive scale factor, scale the score of all sample and observe sites in the function. Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s), obs=1.0) ... return z ** 2 ``scale`` multiplicatively scales the log-probabilities of sample sites: >>> scaled_model = scale(model, scale=0.5) >>> scaled_tr = trace(scaled_model).get_trace(0.0) >>> unscaled_tr = trace(model).get_trace(0.0) >>> bool((scaled_tr.log_prob_sum() == 0.5 * unscaled_tr.log_prob_sum()).all()) True :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param scale: a positive scaling factor :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.scale_messenger.ScaleMessenger` """ msngr = ScaleMessenger(scale=scale) # XXX temporary compatibility fix return msngr(fn) if callable(fn) else msngr
[docs]def mask(fn=None, mask=None): """ Given a stochastic function with some batched sample statements and masking tensor, mask out some of the sample statements elementwise. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param torch.ByteTensor mask: a ``{0,1}``-valued masking tensor (1 includes a site, 0 excludes a site) :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.scale_messenger.MaskMessenger` """ msngr = MaskMessenger(mask=mask) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
[docs]def enum(fn=None, first_available_dim=None): """ Enumerates in parallel over discrete sample sites marked ``infer={"enumerate": "parallel"}``. :param int first_available_dim: The first tensor dimension (counting from the right) that is available for parallel enumeration. This dimension and all dimensions left may be used internally by Pyro. This should be a negative integer. """ assert first_available_dim < 0, first_available_dim msngr = EnumerateMessenger(first_available_dim=first_available_dim) return msngr(fn) if fn is not None else msngr
######################################### # Begin composite operations #########################################
[docs]def do(fn=None, data=None): """ Given a stochastic function with some sample statements and a dictionary of values at names, set the return values of those sites equal to the values and hide them from the rest of the stack as if they were hard-coded to those values by using ``block``. Consider the following Pyro program: >>> def model(x): ... s = pyro.param("s", torch.tensor(0.5)) ... z = pyro.sample("z", dist.Normal(x, s)) ... return z ** 2 To intervene with a value for site `z`, we can write >>> intervened_model = do(model, data={"z": torch.tensor(1.)}) This is equivalent to replacing `z = pyro.sample("z", ...)` with `z = value`. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param data: a ``dict`` or a :class:`~pyro.poutine.Trace` :returns: stochastic function decorated with a :class:`~pyro.poutine.block_messenger.BlockMessenger` and :class:`pyro.poutine.condition_messenger.ConditionMessenger` """ def wrapper(wrapped): return block(condition(wrapped, data=data), hide=list(data.keys())) return wrapper(fn) if fn is not None else wrapper
[docs]def queue(fn=None, queue=None, max_tries=None, extend_fn=None, escape_fn=None, num_samples=None): """ Used in sequential enumeration over discrete variables. Given a stochastic function and a queue, return a return value from a complete trace in the queue. :param fn: a stochastic function (callable containing Pyro primitive calls) :param queue: a queue data structure like multiprocessing.Queue to hold partial traces :param max_tries: maximum number of attempts to compute a single complete trace :param extend_fn: function (possibly stochastic) that takes a partial trace and a site, and returns a list of extended traces :param escape_fn: function (possibly stochastic) that takes a partial trace and a site, and returns a boolean value to decide whether to exit :param num_samples: optional number of extended traces for extend_fn to return :returns: stochastic function decorated with poutine logic """ if max_tries is None: max_tries = int(1e6) if extend_fn is None: extend_fn = util.enum_extend if escape_fn is None: escape_fn = util.discrete_escape if num_samples is None: num_samples = -1 def wrapper(wrapped): def _fn(*args, **kwargs): for i in xrange(max_tries): assert not queue.empty(), \ "trying to get() from an empty queue will deadlock" next_trace = queue.get() try: ftr = trace(escape(replay(wrapped, trace=next_trace), escape_fn=functools.partial(escape_fn, next_trace))) return ftr(*args, **kwargs) except NonlocalExit as site_container: site_container.reset_stack() for tr in extend_fn(ftr.trace.copy(),, num_samples=num_samples): queue.put(tr) raise ValueError("max tries ({}) exceeded".format(str(max_tries))) return _fn return wrapper(fn) if fn is not None else wrapper
[docs]def markov(fn=None, history=1, keep=False): """ Markov dependency declaration. This can be used in a variety of ways: - as a context manager - as a decorator for recursive functions - as an iterator for markov chains :param int history: The number of previous contexts visible from the current context. Defaults to 1. If zero, this is similar to :class:`pyro.plate`. :param bool keep: If true, frames are replayable. This is important when branching: if ``keep=True``, neighboring branches at the same level can depend on each other; if ``keep=False``, neighboring branches are independent (conditioned on their share" """ if fn is None: # Used as a decorator with bound args return MarkovMessenger(history=history, keep=keep) if not callable(fn): # Used as a generator return MarkovMessenger(history=history, keep=keep).generator(iterable=fn) # Used as a decorator with bound args return MarkovMessenger(history=history, keep=keep)(fn)