Source code for pyro.ops.einsum

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import opt_einsum

from pyro.util import ignore_jit_warnings


[docs]def contract_expression(equation, *shapes, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around :func:`opt_einsum.contract_expression` that optionally uses Pyro's cheap optimizer and optionally caches contraction paths. :param bool cache_path: whether to cache the contraction path. Defaults to True. """ # memoize the contraction path cache_path = kwargs.pop('cache_path', True) if cache_path: kwargs_key = tuple(kwargs.items()) key = equation, shapes, kwargs_key if key in _PATH_CACHE: return _PATH_CACHE[key] expr = opt_einsum.contract_expression(equation, *shapes, **kwargs) if cache_path: _PATH_CACHE[key] = expr return expr
[docs]def contract(equation, *operands, **kwargs): """ Wrapper around :func:`opt_einsum.contract` that optionally uses Pyro's cheap optimizer and optionally caches contraction paths. :param bool cache_path: whether to cache the contraction path. Defaults to True. """ backend = kwargs.pop('backend', 'numpy') out = kwargs.pop('out', None) shapes = [tuple(t.shape) for t in operands] with ignore_jit_warnings(): expr = contract_expression(equation, *shapes) return expr(*operands, backend=backend, out=out)
__all__ = ['contract', 'contract_expression']