Source code for pyro.distributions.gaussian_scale_mixture

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import math

import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable
from torch.distributions import constraints, Categorical

from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistribution
from pyro.distributions.util import sum_leftmost

[docs]class GaussianScaleMixture(TorchDistribution): """ Mixture of Normal distributions with zero mean and diagonal covariance matrices. That is, this distribution is a mixture with K components, where each component distribution is a D-dimensional Normal distribution with zero mean and a D-dimensional diagonal covariance matrix. The K different covariance matrices are controlled by the parameters `coord_scale` and `component_scale`. That is, the covariance matrix of the k'th component is given by Sigma_ii = (component_scale_k * coord_scale_i) ** 2 (i = 1, ..., D) where `component_scale`_k is a positive scale factor and `coord_scale`_i are positive scale parameters shared between all K components. The mixture weights are controlled by a K-dimensional vector of softmax logits, `component_logits`. This distribution implements pathwise derivatives for samples from the distribution. This distribution does not currently support batched parameters. See reference [1] for details on the implementations of the pathwise derivative. Please consider citing this reference if you use the pathwise derivative in your research. [1] Pathwise Derivatives for Multivariate Distributions, Martin Jankowiak & Theofanis Karaletsos. arXiv:1806.01856 Note that this distribution supports both even and odd dimensions, but the former should be more a bit higher precision, since it doesn't use any erfs in the backward call. Also note that this distribution does not support D = 1. :param torch.tensor coord_scale: D-dimensional vector of scales :param torch.tensor component_logits: K-dimensional vector of logits :param torch.tensor component_scale: K-dimensional vector of scale multipliers """ has_rsample = True arg_constraints = {"component_scale": constraints.positive, "coord_scale": constraints.positive, "component_logits": constraints.real} def __init__(self, coord_scale, component_logits, component_scale): self.dim = coord_scale.size(0) if self.dim < 2: raise NotImplementedError('This distribution does not support D = 1') assert(coord_scale.dim() == 1), "The coord_scale parameter in GaussianScaleMixture should be D dimensional" assert(component_scale.dim() == 1), \ "The component_scale parameter in GaussianScaleMixture should be K dimensional" assert(component_logits.dim() == 1), \ "The component_logits parameter in GaussianScaleMixture should be K dimensional" assert(component_logits.shape == component_scale.shape), \ "The component_logits and component_scale parameters in GaussianScaleMixture should be K dimensional" self.coord_scale = coord_scale self.component_logits = component_logits self.component_scale = component_scale self.coeffs = self._compute_coeffs() self.categorical = Categorical(logits=component_logits) super(GaussianScaleMixture, self).__init__(event_shape=(self.dim,)) def _compute_coeffs(self): """ These coefficients are used internally in the backward call. """ dimov2 = int(self.dim / 2) # this is correct for both even and odd dimensions coeffs = torch.ones(dimov2) for k in range(dimov2 - 1): coeffs[k + 1:] *= self.dim - 2 * (k + 1) return coeffs
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # TODO: use torch.logsumexp once it's in PyTorch release assert value.dim() == 1 and value.size(0) == self.dim epsilon_sqr = torch.pow(value / self.coord_scale, 2.0).sum() component_scale_power = torch.pow(self.component_scale, -self.dim) result = component_scale_power * self.categorical.probs * \ torch.exp(-0.5 * epsilon_sqr / torch.pow(self.component_scale, 2.0)) # K result = torch.log(result.sum()) result -= 0.5 * math.log(2.0 * math.pi) * float(self.dim) result -= torch.log(self.coord_scale).sum() return result
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): which = self.categorical.sample(sample_shape) return _GSMSample.apply(self.coord_scale, self.component_logits, self.component_scale, self.categorical.probs, which, sample_shape + torch.Size((self.dim,)), self.coeffs)
class _GSMSample(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, coord_scale, component_logits, component_scale, pis, which, shape, coeffs): white = which_component_scale = component_scale[which].unsqueeze(-1) z = coord_scale * which_component_scale * white ctx.save_for_backward(z, coord_scale, component_logits, component_scale, pis, coeffs) return z @staticmethod @once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_output): z, coord_scale, component_logits, component_scale, pis, coeffs = ctx.saved_tensors dim = coord_scale.size(0) g = grad_output # l i g = g.unsqueeze(-2) # l 1 i component_scale_sqr = torch.pow(component_scale, 2.0) # j epsilons = z / coord_scale # l i epsilons_sqr = torch.pow(epsilons, 2.0) # l i r_sqr = epsilons_sqr.sum(-1, keepdim=True) # l r_sqr_j = r_sqr / component_scale_sqr # l j coord_scale_product = component_scale_power = torch.pow(component_scale, float(dim)) q_j = torch.exp(-0.5 * r_sqr_j) / math.pow(2.0 * math.pi, 0.5 * float(dim)) # l j q_j /= coord_scale_product * component_scale_power # l j q_tot = (pis * q_j).sum(-1, keepdim=True) # l Phi_j = torch.exp(-0.5 * r_sqr_j) # l j exponents = - torch.arange(1., int(dim/2) + 1., 1.) if z.dim() > 1: r_j_poly = r_sqr_j.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, int(dim/2)) # l j d/2 else: r_j_poly = r_sqr_j.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, int(dim/2)) # l j d/2 r_j_poly = coeffs * torch.pow(r_j_poly, exponents) Phi_j *= r_j_poly.sum(-1) if dim % 2 == 1: root_two = math.sqrt(2.0) extra_term = coeffs[-1] * math.sqrt(0.5 * math.pi) * (1.0 - torch.erf(r_sqr_j.sqrt() / root_two)) # l j Phi_j += extra_term * torch.pow(r_sqr_j, -0.5 * float(dim)) logits_grad = (z.unsqueeze(-2) * Phi_j.unsqueeze(-1) * g).sum(-1) # l j logits_grad /= q_tot logits_grad = sum_leftmost(logits_grad, -1) * math.pow(2.0 * math.pi, -0.5 * float(dim)) logits_grad = pis * logits_grad / (component_scale_power * coord_scale_product) logits_grad = logits_grad - logits_grad.sum() * pis prefactor = pis.unsqueeze(-1) * q_j.unsqueeze(-1) * g / q_tot.unsqueeze(-1) # l j i coord_scale_grad = sum_leftmost(prefactor * epsilons.unsqueeze(-2), -1) component_scale_grad = sum_leftmost((prefactor * z.unsqueeze(-2)).sum(-1) / component_scale, -1) return coord_scale_grad, logits_grad, component_scale_grad, None, None, None, None