Source code for pyro.distributions.diag_normal_mixture_shared_cov

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import math

import torch
from torch.autograd import Function
from torch.autograd.function import once_differentiable
from torch.distributions import Categorical, constraints

from pyro.distributions.torch_distribution import TorchDistribution
from pyro.distributions.util import sum_leftmost

[docs]class MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance(TorchDistribution): """ Mixture of Normal distributions with diagonal covariance matrices. That is, this distribution is a mixture with K components, where each component distribution is a D-dimensional Normal distribution with a D-dimensional mean parameter loc and a D-dimensional diagonal covariance matrix specified by a scale parameter `coord_scale`. The K different component means are gathered into the parameter `locs` and the scale parameter is shared between all K components. The mixture weights are controlled by a K-dimensional vector of softmax logits, `component_logits`. This distribution implements pathwise derivatives for samples from the distribution. See reference [1] for details on the implementations of the pathwise derivative. Please consider citing this reference if you use the pathwise derivative in your research. Note that this distribution does not support dimension D = 1. [1] Pathwise Derivatives for Multivariate Distributions, Martin Jankowiak & Theofanis Karaletsos. arXiv:1806.01856 :param torch.Tensor locs: K x D mean matrix :param torch.Tensor coord_scale: shared D-dimensional scale vector :param torch.Tensor component_logits: K-dimensional vector of softmax logits """ has_rsample = True arg_constraints = {"locs": constraints.real, "coord_scale": constraints.positive, "component_logits": constraints.real} def __init__(self, locs, coord_scale, component_logits): self.batch_mode = (locs.dim() > 2) assert(self.batch_mode or locs.dim() == 2), \ "The locs parameter in MixtureOfDiagNormals should be K x D dimensional (or ... x B x K x D in batch mode)" if not self.batch_mode: assert(coord_scale.dim() == 1), "The coord_scale parameter in MixtureOfDiagNormals should be D dimensional" assert(component_logits.dim() == 1), \ "The component_logits parameter in MixtureOfDiagNormals should be K dimensional" assert(component_logits.size(0) == locs.size(0)) batch_shape = () else: assert(coord_scale.dim() > 1), \ "The coord_scale parameter in MixtureOfDiagNormals should be ... x B x D dimensional" assert(component_logits.dim() > 1), \ "The component_logits parameter in MixtureOfDiagNormals should be ... x B x K dimensional" assert(component_logits.size(-1) == locs.size(-2)) batch_shape = tuple(locs.shape[:-2]) self.locs = locs self.coord_scale = coord_scale self.component_logits = component_logits self.dim = locs.size(-1) if self.dim < 2: raise NotImplementedError('This distribution does not support D = 1') self.categorical = Categorical(logits=component_logits) self.probs = self.categorical.probs super(MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance, self).__init__(batch_shape=batch_shape, event_shape=(self.dim,))
[docs] def expand(self, batch_shape, _instance=None): new = self._get_checked_instance(MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance, _instance) new.batch_mode = True batch_shape = torch.Size(batch_shape) new.dim = self.dim new.locs = self.locs.expand(batch_shape + self.locs.shape[-2:]) coord_scale_shape = -1 if self.batch_mode else -2 new.coord_scale = self.coord_scale.expand(batch_shape + self.coord_scale.shape[coord_scale_shape:]) new.component_logits = self.component_logits.expand(batch_shape + self.component_logits.shape[-1:]) new.categorical = self.categorical.expand(batch_shape) new.probs = self.probs.expand(batch_shape + self.probs.shape[-1:]) super(MixtureOfDiagNormalsSharedCovariance, new).__init__(batch_shape, self.event_shape, validate_args=False) new._validate_args = self._validate_args return new
[docs] def log_prob(self, value): # TODO: use torch.logsumexp once it's in PyTorch release coord_scale = self.coord_scale.unsqueeze(-2) if self.batch_mode else self.coord_scale epsilon = (value.unsqueeze(-2) - self.locs) / coord_scale # L B K D eps_sqr = 0.5 * torch.pow(epsilon, 2.0).sum(-1) # L B K eps_sqr_min = torch.min(eps_sqr, -1)[0] # L B result = self.probs * torch.exp(-eps_sqr + eps_sqr_min.unsqueeze(-1)) # L B K result = torch.log(result.sum(-1)) # L B result -= 0.5 * math.log(2.0 * math.pi) * float(self.dim) result -= torch.log(self.coord_scale).sum(-1) result -= eps_sqr_min return result
[docs] def rsample(self, sample_shape=torch.Size()): which = self.categorical.sample(sample_shape) return _MixDiagNormalSharedCovarianceSample.apply(self.locs, self.coord_scale, self.component_logits, self.probs, which, sample_shape + self.coord_scale.shape)
class _MixDiagNormalSharedCovarianceSample(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, locs, coord_scale, component_logits, pis, which, noise_shape): dim = coord_scale.size(-1) white = n_unsqueezes = locs.dim() - which.dim() for _ in range(n_unsqueezes): which = which.unsqueeze(-1) expand_tuple = tuple(which.shape[:-1] + (dim,)) loc = torch.gather(locs, -2, which.expand(expand_tuple)).squeeze(-2) z = loc + coord_scale * white ctx.save_for_backward(z, coord_scale, locs, component_logits, pis) return z @staticmethod @once_differentiable def backward(ctx, grad_output): z, coord_scale, locs, component_logits, pis = ctx.saved_tensors K = component_logits.size(-1) batch_dims = coord_scale.dim() - 1 g = grad_output # l b i z_tilde = z / coord_scale # l b i locs_tilde = locs / coord_scale.unsqueeze(-2) # b j i mu_ab = locs_tilde.unsqueeze(-2) - locs_tilde.unsqueeze(-3) # b k j i mu_ab_norm = torch.pow(mu_ab, 2.0).sum(-1).sqrt() # b k j mu_ab /= mu_ab_norm.unsqueeze(-1) # b k j i diagonals = z.new_empty((K,), dtype=torch.long) torch.arange(K, out=diagonals) mu_ab[..., diagonals, diagonals, :] = 0.0 mu_ll_ab = (locs_tilde.unsqueeze(-2) * mu_ab).sum(-1) # b k j z_ll_ab = (z_tilde.unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-2) * mu_ab).sum(-1) # l b k j z_perp_ab = z_tilde.unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-2) - z_ll_ab.unsqueeze(-1) * mu_ab # l b k j i z_perp_ab_sqr = torch.pow(z_perp_ab, 2.0).sum(-1) # l b k j epsilons = z_tilde.unsqueeze(-2) - locs_tilde # l b j i log_qs = -0.5 * torch.pow(epsilons, 2.0) # l b j i log_q_j = log_qs.sum(-1, keepdim=True) # l b j 1 log_q_j_max = torch.max(log_q_j, -2, keepdim=True)[0] q_j_prime = torch.exp(log_q_j - log_q_j_max) # l b j 1 q_j = torch.exp(log_q_j) # l b j 1 q_tot = (pis.unsqueeze(-1) * q_j).sum(-2) # l b 1 q_tot_prime = (pis.unsqueeze(-1) * q_j_prime).sum(-2).unsqueeze(-1) # l b 1 1 root_two = math.sqrt(2.0) mu_ll_ba = torch.transpose(mu_ll_ab, -1, -2) logits_grad = torch.erf((z_ll_ab - mu_ll_ab) / root_two) - torch.erf((z_ll_ab + mu_ll_ba) / root_two) logits_grad *= torch.exp(-0.5 * z_perp_ab_sqr) # l b k j # bi lbi bkji mu_ab_sigma_g = ((coord_scale * g).unsqueeze(-2).unsqueeze(-2) * mu_ab).sum(-1) # l b k j logits_grad *= -mu_ab_sigma_g * pis.unsqueeze(-2) # l b k j logits_grad = pis * sum_leftmost(logits_grad.sum(-1) / q_tot, -(1 + batch_dims)) # b k logits_grad *= math.sqrt(0.5 * math.pi) # b j l b j 1 l b i l b 1 1 prefactor = pis.unsqueeze(-1) * q_j_prime * g.unsqueeze(-2) / q_tot_prime # l b j i locs_grad = sum_leftmost(prefactor, -(2 + batch_dims)) # b j i coord_scale_grad = sum_leftmost(prefactor * epsilons, -(2 + batch_dims)).sum(-2) # b i return locs_grad, coord_scale_grad, logits_grad, None, None, None